







Untitled art 3.jpg (3148 bytes) // this is the man in the striped shirt (or dress). some say he has no name. others say his name is untitled art 3. others still say he is dead.

Left Robot. No one knows why. // this is left robot. no one knows why.

Right Robot is coming to get you! // this is right robot. knows why and is very violent.

Skeleton (whole) // this is skeleton. not very much likes rabbit. ouch!

Rabbit // rabbit. hops hops hops! let us get drunk!

Wine Bottle // this is wine bottle. it has bad attitude and breath. it does not like you or police officers.

Dictator of Everything, arr // this is dictator of everything. very big. once when was a young dicator, master asked him, how do you button shirt with no hands or eyes? dictator reply "arr" and eats him.

Flower (artist's representation) // thisis a flower. see? it does not like dicator but it is alive because it is pretty.

Fairy Godparent // she is fairy godmother. or maybe she is really a man!?!? (hint: those are wings, not salad cucumbers)

Lamp. Clap on, clap off. // lamp.