







BJART is the author of OATMEAL AND CHOPSTICKS. He tells us this on each "strip". Here is photographic evidence (we think).

Q: Does he always make this face? A: Yes, yes he does.

Notice he is in color. Many things that are not cartoons are in color and do not have hard lines.

Link of interest: The Further Written Adventures of Bjart Helms

In naturalistic observation mode, we discovered several facts that may challenge preconceptions of who or what Bjart is and does:

Bjart reads books, some of them with words in English or French. Sometimes they have pictures. Once, he read a book about language itself and then he read many more, but he does not yet appreciate Aspects of the Theory of Syntax and someday never will.

Bjart listens to Morrissey songs such as "November Spawned a Monster" and Charles Mingus songs like "Reincarnation of a Lovebird" or Bill Monroe songs like "Blue Moon of Kentucky." We have also seen CDs that were not in the M category such as Les Negress Vertes, Ozomatli, and Tommy Peoples.

He has been seen once or twice on Compuserve's free Fun Online forum, but we do not know if he has fun there.

He plays many instruments badly on this website www.thesods.net

Once, he had another webcomic with his name on it. It was called Alexandria, IN. But it was really Sluggy Freelance with different characters. Before that he had the webcomic Visions of Paradise but it did not last long. Or it did, but not with updates. Inbetween that, he also had a story called Absurd Adventures of an Amateur Anarchist.

He answers emails sent to bjart23@yahoo.com almost frequently.